Becoming A Notary Public
Civil Reporting
Court Filing Fees
Grand Jury
Power of Attorney
Real Estate Records
Registering A Trade Name
Restraining and Protective Orders
Warranty and Quit Claim Deeds
The Clerk of Superior Court is a constitutional officer elected by the voters of Rabun County to serve a four-year term. The Clerk of Superior Court also serves as Clerk of Magistrate Court, Juvenile Court and Accountability Court and Family Dependency Treatment Court.
Superior Court, has constitutional authority over felony cases. Felony cases typically are regarding title to land and equity, declaratory judgements, adoptions, name changes, divorces, child custody, child support enforcement, habeas corpus and mandamus. The clerk is responsible for recording deeds and maintaining the chain of title to all property in the county. In addition, the clerk appoints notary publics and records business and trade names and military discharges.
Clerk of Superior Court
Magistrate Court handles civil trials involving amounts less than $15,000.
The Clerk of Court is charged with the responsibility of attending all court sessions and to file and maintain accurate records of the proceedings. The Clerk also manages all revenue collections and disbursements for Superior, Magistrate, Juvenile Court and Accountability Court and Family Dependency Treatment Court in addition to processing all court documents and providing the public with access to court records.
The Clerk of Court also serves as the Jury Clerk, Passport Acceptance Agent and the Board of Equalization Appeal Administrator.