Q. Where is the courthouse located?
A. 25 Courthouse Square, Clayton GA 30525
Q. How are jurors selected?
A. The names of all licensed drivers and registered voters in Rabun County are placed into a jury-management computer system operated by the Clerk of Court. The combined list is updated each year to account for address changes, name changes, additions and deletions. The computer runs comparisons to eliminate duplicate names and then randomly selects the names of those who will be issued subpoenas to appear, upon request by the Jury Commission.
Q. What if I am selected as a juror?
A. Prior to reporting to jury duty you may call 706-782-3527 after 1:00 p.m. on Sunday to confirm that court has not be cancelled or delayed.
Q. Can I be excused from jury duty?
A. Yes by completing and returning the affidavit the is provided on the back of the jury summons. You must be: Full-time student at a college (OCGA15-12-1(2) , Primary caregiver which has active care and custody of a child under six year of age, with no reasonable available alternative child care (OCGA 15-12-1(a)(1), Over 70 years of age, Permanent medical excuse statement provided by a doctor, Primary teacher in a home school program (Home Study Code Section (c) 20-3-690), or Service member on ordered military duty.
Q. What is mediation?
A. “Mediation is an informal way for people to come together and talk through their conflict with the help of an impartial third party. During the mediation, each person has the opportunity to vocalize their issues and concerns surrounding the conflict. The mediator helps each person evaluate their needs and goals for reaching a solution. All decisions are made by the parties, not the mediator.”
Q. Are you required to file deeds?
A. Deeds (warranty, quit claim, and security) and plats are not required by law to be filed, but making sure they are recorded may be a big protection to a property owner in the future should a dispute arise regarding ownership or the legality of a sale.
Q. Are you required to file military discharges?
A. No. Military discharges are not required by law to be recorded, but doing so may prevent unnecessary problems should the original papers be lost.
Q. Are adoption records public records?
A. No adoption records are confidential and records may not be viewed without a court order.